I.C.A.C. Membership

The Interfaith Council of Alameda County (ICAC) invites you to join us as a Supporting Member. 

ICAC brings together faith-based congregations, faith-based organizations, and spiritually minded individuals to carry out its mission to promote mutual respect, understanding and engagement among the diverse faith traditions in Alameda County, California; mobilize people to serve the community; support religious liberties; promote interfaith organizations and activities; and build a just and moral community.

The Interfaith Council of Alameda County (ICAC) is a vibrant new organization that reflects and represents the broad and diverse interests of the interfaith community.  Although founded recently, already in the past several months ICAC has stood with the interfaith community in opposition to racial and religious bigotry, violence and hatred; played a significant role in organizing and involving congregations to address immediately the needs and challenges facing the county’s  homeless population,  which included meetings with the Oakland mayor and county board of supervisors;  voiced opposition to a Muslim ban and support for a ban on assault rifles; co-sponsored training for faith-based organizing;  stood in vigil in remembrance of victims of mass shootings; organized a forum during which the Alameda County Sheriff responded to concerns voiced by residents; and participated with local community organizations  in the distribution of food to the less fortunate.  In order to carry out successfully our mission we need representatives from the broad spectrum of faith-based congregations, organizations and communities in the fourteen Alameda County cities and committed individuals who will help up realize our vision.  We need you!

Supporting Members’ annual dues are based on your ability to give.  For Individual Members, we suggest a sliding scale of between $50 and $200 per year.  For Congregational or Faith-based Organizations, we suggest a sliding scale such as around 0.25% of your annual budget per year. 

After applying for membership, you will receive a confirmation of receipt of your application and a link to pay your dues online

Thank you for applying for membership! 

If you have any questions or would like more information about the mission of ICAC or the Safe Car Park program, please contact Ken Chambers at 510-239-6681 or email info@wwcbexchange.sbs.